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Step 2 :
Let Algebra Helper solve it:
Step 3 : Ask for an explanation for the steps you don't understand:
Algebra Helper can solve problems in all the following areas:
- simplification of algebraic expressions (operations
with polynomials (simplifying, degree, synthetic division...), exponential expressions, fractions and roots
(radicals), absolute values)
- factoring and expanding expressions
- finding LCM and GCF
(simplifying, rationalizing complex denominators...)
- solving linear, quadratic and many other equations
and inequalities
(including basic logarithmic and exponential equations)
- solving a system of two and three linear equations
(including Cramer's rule)
- graphing curves (lines, parabolas, hyperbolas, circles,
ellipses, equation and inequality solutions)
- graphing general functions
- operations with functions (composition, inverse, range, domain...)
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