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Mathematics Courses

MATH 111 (3) College Algebra. Prerequisite: MATH 004 with a grade of “C” or better or the equivalent and Test Standing. The function concepts, solving quadratic equations, graphing the quadratic function, inequalities, absolute value, absolute inequalities, Fundamentals theorem of Algebra, roots, factors, systems of equations and matrices, math induction and Binomial Theorem, arithmetic and geometric progressions, logarithms, complex numbers, partial fractions, and applications of all topics.

MATH 112 (3) Plane Trigonometry . Prerequisite : MATH 111 with a grade of “C” or better. Right and oblique triangular solutions, identities, trigonometric equations, systems of angular measurements, and applications

MATH 118 (5) College Algebra and Trigonometry . Prerequisite: Test Standing, MATH 004 or equivalent. Polynomial equations, exponents and radicals, logarithms, quadratic equations, inequalities, complex numbers, permutations and combinations, probability, determinants, simultaneous linear equations, induction, binomial theorem, progressions and series, triangular solutions, identities, trigonometric equations, systems of angular measurement applications.

MATH 215 (3) Mathematics of Finance . Prerequisite: Department approval. Simple and compound interest, simple and compound discount, annuities, amortization, sinking funds, valuation of bonds, depreciation, life annuities, life insurance and reserves.

MATH 217 (3) Introduction to Finite Mathematics (Education). Prerequisite: MATH 111. Introductory ideas for students of education, compound statements, sets and subsets, partitions and counting, elementary probability theory.

MATH 221 (3) Calculus Industrial or Business. Prerequisite: MATH 111. Functions, limits, continuity, differentiation, applications, basic analytic geometry, algebraic, exponential and logarithmic functions, integration, applications, series and sequences, improper integral. Specific applications.

MATH 226 (3) Concepts and Structures of Mathematics I . Prerequisite: MATH 111 with a grade of “C” or better. Study of various numeration systems rational and real numbers, fraction and decimal algorithms, ratios, percentages, consumer mathematics, introduction to problem-solving and logic, use of patterns and Venn diagrams.

MATH 227 (3) Concepts and Structures of Mathematics II. Perquisite: MATH 226. . Statistical graphs, measures ofcentral tendencies, variations, odds and probability, conditional probabilities, expected values, use and abuse of statistics. Introduction of geometry and concepts of measurements.

MATH 231 (4) Calculus I with Laboratory. Prerequisite: MATH 112 or MATH 118. Functions, limits, continuity, differentiation, limiting forms, applications, properties of continuous functions, analytic geometry and integration. The laboratory component is designed to reinforce the lecture component with activities requiring the use of technology in the form of computers with selective software and graphing utilities.

MATH 232 (4) Calculus II with Laboratory. Prerequisite: MATH 231. Applications of the definite integral, logarithmic exponential and inverse trigonometric functions. Techniques and further application of the definite integral, parametric equations and polar coordinates. The laboratory component is designed to reinforce the lecture component with activities requiring the use of technology in the form of computers with selective software and graphing utilities.

MATH 233 (4) Calculus III with Laboratory. Prerequisite: MATH 232. Infinite sequences and series, differential calculus of functions of several variables, multiple integrals. The laboratory component is designed to reinforce the lecture component with activities requiring the use of technology in the form of computers with selective software and graphing utilities.

MATH 251 (3) Finite Mathematics. Prerequisite: MATH 111 or Department approval. Compound statements, sets and functions, probability theory, elementary linear algebra, convex sets, finite Markov chains, continuous probability theory.

MATH 271 (3) Elementary Statistics. Prerequisite: MATH 112. Introduction, frequency distributions, location measures, variation, symmetry, skewness, peakedness,index numbers, probability, theoretical distributions, sampling, estimation, tests of hypotheses, nonparametric tests, linear regression, coefficient of correlation, time series analysts

MATH 301 (3) Elementary School Mathematics. Prerequisite: MATH 111. Counting and numerical concepts, problem solving, equipment, achievement, examinations, present issues.

MATH 302 (3) Junior High Mathematics. Prerequisite: Department approval. Aims and problems of teaching, techniques of teaching, arousing and maintaining interest, aids and trends, tests and measurements, organization and treatment of subject matter, organization and duties of teachers of junior high competence.

MATH 303W (3) Introductory Set Theory and Logic . Prerequisite: MATH 231, with a grade of “C” or better. Sets and relations, natural number sequence, extension of natural number to reals, logic, informal axiomatics, Boolean algebra, interval and set theory, algebraic theories, first order theories.

MATH 306 (3) Elementary Concepts of Geometry.
Prerequisite : Department approval. Basic notions of lines,
angles, triangles, circles and proofs . Stress is placed on
synthetic methodology and reasoning.

MATH 307 (3) Probability and Statistics for Engineers. Prerequisite MATH 232. Introduction to concepts of probability and statistics required to solve problems in various disciplines; mathematical basis for probability and statistics includes axioms of probability, continuous sampling distributions, and discrete probability, hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, probability estimations for risk assessment, data processing and statistical inference, statistical techniques of data analysis, simple and multiple regression model development; stochastic processes, emphasis is on the application of probability, statistics and reliability to rational decision making, data analysis and model estimation in engineering context.

MATH 311W (3) Abstract Algebra I . Prerequisite: MATH 303. Basic concepts of modern algebra, preliminaries, elementary ideas of groups, rings, integral domains and fields.

MATH 315 (3) Senior High Mathematics. Prerequisite: Department approval. Aims and problems techniques, arousing and maintaining interest, aids and trends, tests and measurements, traditional and non-traditional courses, operations, number systems, professional duties, supervision and improvement of instruction, geometry.

MATH 321W (3) Introduction to Modern Geometry. Prerequisite: MATH 232. Euclidean, non-Euclidean, projective and affine geometrics with emphasis on the appropriate postulates and the postulational method. Transformation theory.

MATH 331 (3) Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory. Prerequisite: MATH 303. A theoretical study of equations, matrices, vector spaces, inner product spaces linear
transformations bilinear and quadratic forms and eigenvalues.

MATH 332 (3) Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory with Applications. Prerequisite: MATH 331. Numerical methods of linear algebra, Fourier Series, vector and tensor analysis, orthogonality, unitary, normal, and Hermetian operators, applications to differential equations, physics and engineering, special theory and infinite dimensional linear spaces.

MATH 335 (3) Logic . Prerequisite: MATH 303. Symbolic logic, statement calculus, monies, axiomatic treatments, predicate calculus, equality, relations and functions, cardinals and ordinals, counting, the axiom of choice.

MATH 341 (3) Introduction to Number Theory . Prerequisite: MATH 233. Multiplicativity and divisibility, congruencies, arithmetic functions, primes, quadratic residues, addibility, generating functions, partitions, geometric number theory, ruler and compass constructions, and special topics.

MATH 351 (3) Advanced Calculus. Prerequisite: Math 233. Sets and functions, continuity, integration, convergence, differentiation, and applications to geometry and analysis, differential geometry and vector calculus.

MATH 355 (3) Introduction to Probability and Statistics. Prerequisite: MATH 233. Random variables, conditional probability and stochastic independence, special distributions

MATH 356 (3) Introduction to Mathematical Statistics. Prerequisite: MATH 355. Estimations, order statistics, limiting distributions, statistical hypotheses, variance, normal distribution theory, point and interval estimation, sampling, regression and correlation.

MATH 368 (3) Ordinary Differential Equations .
Prerequisite: MATH 233. Introduction to differential equations , first-order differential equations, higher-order differential equations, series solutions of linear equations, the Laplace transform and systems of linear first-order differential equations.

MATH 369 (3) Introduction to Dynamical Systems .
Prerequisite: MATH 368. Introduction, linear systems , fixed points, Lyapunov function, Lyapunov’ s method , periodicity and chaos, the Poincare-Bendixon theorem, the Hoph bifunction, fractals and Cantor set.

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  • graphing curves (lines, parabolas, hyperbolas, circles, ellipses, equation and inequality solutions)
  • graphing general functions
  • operations with functions (composition, inverse, range, domain...)
  • simplifying logarithms
  • basic geometry and trigonometry (similarity, calculating trig functions, right triangle...)
  • arithmetic and other pre-algebra topics (ratios, proportions, measurements...)


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