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Number and Operations


The purpose of these resource materials is to provide K – 8 educators with explanations
and examples that facilitate understanding of the mathematics in the Grade-Level
Expectations (GLEs)*. These resource materials are organized by content strand and by
GLE “stems.” The definitions and explanations within each section are not alphabetized,
but are organized to parallel the introduction of new concepts and skills within each GLE
stem” across grades. The materials contained in this document focus on the Number
and Operation strand and only address the NECAP GLEs that are common to all three

Grade 3

Grade 4
M(N&O)–3–3 Demonstrates conceptual understanding
of mathematical operations
by describing or illustrating
the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction of
whole numbers; and the relationship between repeated
addition and multiplication using models , number lines, and
    M(N&O)–4–3 Demonstrates conceptual understanding of
mathematical operations
by describing or illustrating the
relationship between repeated subtraction and division (no
remainders); the inverse relationship between multiplication
and division of whole numbers; or the addition and subtraction
of positive fractional numbers with like denominators using
models, number lines , or explanations.

To facilitate access, each definition is coded (e.g., N&O – 4, the 4th definition for the
Number and Operations strand). There are multiple tables of contents: 1) An overall table
of contents on page 3 contains all the terms or phrases defined for the content strand in
alphabetical order ; and 2) A table of contents for each section in alphabetical order. In
addition, if there is a word or phrase that you are unclear about within a definition, check
the overall table of contents to determine if the word or phrase is defined in another
location in this document.

Section #


Grade-Level Expectation “Stem”


NECAP GLE Stem Codes
(Vermont codes)

X represents grades K– 8
Section 1
Demonstrates understanding of rational
NECAP: M(N&O) – X – 1
(Vermont GE MX: 1)
4 – 18
Section 2
Demonstrates conceptual understanding of
the magnitude of numbers…
NECAP: M(N&O) – X – 2
(Vermont GE MX: 2)
19 – 25
Section 3
Demonstrates understandings of
mathematical operations…
NECAP: M(N&O) – X – 3
(Vermont GE MX: 3)
26 – 29
Section 4
Accurately solves problems involving…
NECAP: M(N&O) – X – 4
(Vermont GE MX: 4)
30 – 36

Note: Examples are provided throughout this document to illustrate definitions or phrases
used in the mathematics GLEs. However, the kinds of questions students might be asked
in instruction or on the NECAP assessment about the mathematics being illustrated are
NOT necessarily limited to the specific examples given. It is the intent, over time, to add
released NECAP items to expand the set of examples.

Please send comments, corrections.

* Grade-Level Expectations are called Grade Expectations (GEs) in Vermont.

Table of Contents

Section Number
Page Number
Absolute value 2 21 N&O – 23
Accurately solves problems 4 31 N&O – 35
Across number formats 2 21 N&O – 22
Area model to represent part to whole relationshipx 1 13 N&O – 17
Comparing 2 24 N&O – 27
Composite number 4 35 N&O – 41
Composition of numbers 1 12 N&O – 15
Concept of multiplication 4 33 N&O – 37
Decimal 1 7 N&O – 7
Decomposition of numbers 1 12 N&O – 16
Describing or illustrating the meaning of a power 3 28 N&O – 33
Effect on magnitude of a whole number when multiplying or
dividing by a whole number, fraction, or decimal
3 29 N&O – 34
Equivalent numbers 1 12 N&O – 14
Expanded notation 1 12 N&O – 13
Factor 4 33 N&O – 38
Fraction 1 5 N&O – 3
Greatest common factor ( GCF ) 4 35 N&O – 42
Improper fraction 1 7 N&O – 5
In and out of context 4 32 N&O – 36
Integer 1 8 N&O – 9
Inverse relationships in operations 3 27 N&O – 29
Irrational number 1 8 N&O – 10
Least common multiple ( LCM ) 4 36 N&O – 43
Linear model 1 18 N&O – 19
Meaning of remainders with respect to division of whole
3 28 N&O – 32
Mixed number 1 7 N&O – 6
Multiples 4 34 N&O – 39
Number line 2 24 N&O – 28
Ordering 2 23 N&O – 26
Percent 1 7 N&O – 8
Prime numbers 4 35 N&O – 40
Proper fraction 1 6 N&O – 4
Proportional reasoning 4 36 N&O – 44
Ratio 1 10 N&O – 12
Rational number 1 5 N&O – 1
Real numbers 1 9 N&O –11
Relationship between repeated addition and multiplication of
whole numbers
3 27 N&O – 30
Relationship between repeated subtraction and division of
whole numbers
3 27 N&O – 31
Relative magnitude 2 20 N&O – 20
Scientific notation 2 23 N&O – 25
Set model 1 17 N&O – 18
Whole number 1 5 N&O – 2
Whole number bases and whole number exponents , and
fractional bases with whole number exponents
2 22 N&O – 24
Within number formats 2 21 N&O – 21
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