Topics: Selection (conditional) statement, keyboard
input using Scanner class, while loop, methods
Reading: Sec 2.2, Sec 3.1 (exclude pp104-109), Sec 3.2 (exclude
pp112-114), pp 130-135 of Sec 3.3 (exclude the dowhile
Example: Quadratic function , re-visited
Write a program to find the minimum value of the quadratic function q(x)=x2+bx+c
on the interval [L, R].
/* Min value of q(x) = x^2 + bx + c on interval [L,R]
public class MinQuadratic {
public static void main (String[ ] args) {
final double b=2, c=-1.5;
double L=-3, R=5;
double qMin, qL, qR; // Min value of q, q(L), q(R)
double xc= -b/2;
if (L<=xc && xc<=R)
// qMin is q(xc)
qMin= xc*xc + b*xc + c;
else {
// qMin is q(L) or q(R)
qL= L*L + b*L + c;
qR= R*R + b*R + c;
if (qL < qR)
qMin= qL;
qMin= qR;
System .out.println("Min value is " + qMin);
User Input
We’ll use the class Scanner to read in user input from the keyboard. First, you
need to import the class using the import
statement outside of the class body:
import java.util.Scanner;
Inside a method (e.g., main method), you create an object of the Scanner class.
Below, we create such an object and
refer to it with the variable keyboard:
Scanner keyboard= new Scanner ( System .in);
Now we can use keyboard to read user input. Below are some example method calls.
Read Sec 2.2 (Savitch) for more
information on the Scanner class.
int var1= keyboard.nextInt ();
double var2= keyboard.nextDouble();
char var3= keyboard.nextChar();
boolean var4= keyboard.nextBoolean();
The Math class
A collection of basic mathematical functions .
double tmp = Math.exp(1);
tmp = 3*Math.sin(2);
tmp = Math.floor(3*Math.sin(2));
tmp = Math.random(); // in [0,1)
Shortcut expressions
Increment: i++;
Decrement: i--;
Assignment operators :
s += val;
s -= val;
s *= val;
s /= val;
Conditional Statement |
The while loop |
if ( condition1 )
statement1; |
while ( condition)
statement; |
if ( condition1 )
statement2; |
Pattern for doing something n times |
if ( condition1 )
else if ( condition2 )
statement3; |
int i= 1;
while ( i<=n ) {
// do something
// increment counter
i= i + 1;
} |
Pattern for doing something an indefinite number
of times |
% initialization
while ( not stopping signal ) {
// do something
// update status (variables)
} |
Example: Factorial
Write a program fragment to calculate k ! (the factorial of k ). Assume k is given
and k>=0. Use a while loop.
/* = a random integer in [lo..hi]
public static int randInt (int lo, int hi) {
return (int) Math.floor(
Math.random()*(hi-lo+1) + lo);
} |
A method is a named , parameterized group of statements
modifiers return-type method-name (
parameter-list ) {
} |
return-type void means nothing is returned from the method
There must be a return statement, unless return-type is
A method is a named, parameterized group of statements
modifiers return-type method-name (
parameter-list ) {
} |
parameter-list : type-name pairs separated by commas
int randInt(int lo, int hi)
A parameter is a variable that is declared in the method
Calling a static method …
… that is in a different class :
… that is in the same class:
Our class MyRandom has a static method
randInt, so an example method call within the
class can be
randInt(3,8) |