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Course Syllabus for College Algebra & Trigonometry

Course Description: This course is designed for students who plan to pursue college majors in the
fields of science and technology, interdisciplinary studies, or business. This course is a pre-calculus
mathematics course in algebra. Specific topics to be covered include functions and their graphs,
polynomial and rational functions, exponential and logarithmic functions , and systems of equations
and inequalities .

Course Textbook and Supplements:
Sullivan, Michael (2008). Algebra and Trigonometry 8th
Edition. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc.

MyMathLab Student Access Kit

Other Course Material: A graphing calculator, Texas Instruments TI-83, TI-83 Plus, TI-84, or TI-
84 Plus is required for this course. Each student is expected to have access to his or her own
calculator. Calculators may be used for all work but may not be shared during quizzes, tests
and/or examinations.
Calculators with symbolic manipulations capabilities are not allowed on
quizzes, tests, and/or examinations. Some examples of these are TI-89, TI-92, and HP-48 series.



After completing this course, the student will:
1. Know the concepts of a function, the graphs of functions , inverse functions, composition of
functions, and other properties of functions .
2 Identify polynomial and rational functions.
3. List and cite the zeros of polynomial and rational functions.
4. Know the various graphing and algebraic approaches to solving systems of linear equations
and inequalities.
5. Know how to use a graphing calculator and a computer software tutorial.
6. Relate reading and writing skills to describe mathematical concepts and critical thinking
processes to the solutions of various word problems.
7. Know graphic, symbolic , and verbal representations of problems.
8. Define exponential and logarithmic functions.
9. Know how to solve exponential and logarithmic equations.

Evaluation Strategies: All knowledge criteria will be evaluated by homework assignments, quizzes,
class discussions, class presentations, in-class activities, and tests.


After completing this course, the student will:

1. Identify and interpret the graphs of functions, inverse functions, and composition of
2. Classify and apply polynomial and rational functions.
3. Find the zeros of polynomial and rational functions.
3. Use the various graphing and algebraic approaches to solve systems of equations and
5. Use the graphing calculator and work through a computer software tutorial.
6. Apply reading and writing skills to describe mathematical concepts and critical thinking
processes to the solutions of various word problems.
7. Interpret graphic, symbolic, and verbal representation of problems.
8. Recognize exponential and logarithmic functions, their properties, and their graphs.
9. Apply various properties of exponential and logarithmic functions.
10. Demonstrate the difference between natural and common logarithms.
11. Draw exponential and logarithmic functions using a graphing calculator.

Evaluation Strategies: All skills criteria will be evaluated by homework assignments, quizzes, class
discussions, class presentations, in-class activities, and tests.


After completing this course, the student will:
1. Create and analyze the graphs of functions, inverse functions, and composition of functions.
2. Analyze polynomial and rational functions.
3. Evaluate polynomial and rational functions.
4. Compare and test the various graphing and algebraic approaches to solve systems of
equations and inequalities.
5. Analyze problem situations using a graphing calculator and a computer software tutorial.
6. Integrate reading and writing skills to describe mathematical concepts and critical thinking
processes to the solutions of various word problems.
7. Create graphic, symbolic, and verbal representation of problems.
8. Solve a system of linear equations using the elimination and substitution methods.
9. Compare exponential and logarithmic functions and their characteristics, including their
10. Distinguish and relate the natural logarithm to the common logarithm .
11. Plot exponential and logarithmic functions using a graphing calculator.

Evaluation Strategies: All abilities criteria will be evaluated by homework assignments, quizzes,
class discussions, class presentations, graphing calculator activities, special assignments using
computer software, in-class activities, and tests.


The student will also be evaluated on:

1. A common departmental midterm examination.
2. A common departmental final examination.
3. Other work as assigned by the instructor.


The student is required to:

1. Attend class regularly and on time.
2. Be present on test dates.
3. Turn in written homework assignments by the due date.
4. Purchase and read the required texts and related material.
5. Purchase and learn to effectively use a graphing calculator.
6. Participate actively in class problem solving exercises.
7. Perform satisfactorily on examinations.

The University=s policies on specific academic regulations concerning cheating, plagiarism,
absenteeism, etc. will be adhered to in this course. These policies are stated in the VSU
Undergraduate Catalog and the VSU Student Handbook.

Students with learning or other disabilities who are covered under the American Disability
Act should privately inform the teacher of this fact so that appropriate instructional
arrangements can be made.


The student will be evaluated on four tests, a midterm exam, a common departmental
comprehensive final examination, written and online homework, quizzes or other work assigned by
the instructor.

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
MATH 120 - College Algebra and Trigonometry (3 Credit Hours)
Course Content
Spring 2009

Textbook: Algebra and Trigonometry 8th Edition by Michael Sullivan

Chapter 3 Functions and Their Graphs
  Section 3.1 – Functions
Section 3.2 – The Graph of a Function
Section 3.3 – Properties of Functions
Section 3.4 – Library of Functions; Piecewise-defined Functions
Section 3.5 – Graphing Techniques: Transformations
Section 3.6 – Mathematical Models: Building Functions (Selected problems: 1, 7,
and 9 pp. 267-269)
Chapter 4 Linear and Quadratic Functions
  Section 4.1 – Linear Functions and Their Properties
Section 4.2 – Building Linear Functions from Data
Section 4.3 – Quadratic Functions and Their Properties
Section 4.4 – Quadratic Models: Building Functions
Chapter 5 Polynomial and Rational Functions
  Section 5.1 – Polynomial Functions and Models
Section 5.2 – Properties of Rational Functions (Omit Oblique Asymptotes)
Section 5.3 – The Graph of a Rational Function
Chapter 6 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
  Section 6.1 – Composite Functions
Section 6.2 – One-to-One Functions: Inverse Functions
Section 6.3 – Exponential Functions
Section 6.4 – Logarithmic Functions
Section 6.5 – Properties of Logarithms
Section 6.6 – Logarithmic and Exponential Equations
Chapter 12 Systems of Equations and Inequalities
  Section 12.1 – Systems of Linear Equations: Substitution and Elimination (Systems of
two equations in two variables )
If time permits, additional sections might be covered at the discretion of your

The midterm exam will cover Chapters 3 and Chapter 4.
The final exam will be comprehensive and include all the sections covered in this course
during this semester.

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  • graphing general functions
  • operations with functions (composition, inverse, range, domain...)
  • simplifying logarithms
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