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Matrix Operations


Matrix vector product
Naïve matrix product
Alternative implementations

Motivation Matrix Product

Where matrix multiplication
comes from?
Let’s do some unscientific

Imagine you have lists of
objects and of how many
components they consists of
My car consists of a 3l-engine, 4
doors, 4 side windows, …
Alex’s car consists of a 15lengine,
2 doors, 2 side windows,

We can write this as a matrix?

Motivation Matrix Product (ii)

Now we have a 2nd list
How the components are
composed of pieces
The 3l engine contains 20
3/8” nuts, 12 5/8” bolts, 12
valves, …
One door contains 7 3/8”
nuts, 5 5/8” bolts, 0 valves
This leads us to a 2nd
Now the stunning question:
How many 5/8” bolts
contains Alex’s car?

Motivation Matrix Product (iii)

This is easy to compute
We multiply the number of
components with the number of

Then we sum this products over
all components
Of course we can do this for all
cars and all components
So, we yield a 3rd matrix
Alex’s car contains 38420 3/8”
nuts, 7979034 5/8” bolts, 60
valves, …
Jacob’s car contains …
Such things you learn in
vocational school not universities

Definition Matrix Product


For matrices

The product C=AB is

Operator Concatenation

Recall matrices map from one vector space
to another
Say B maps from V1 to V2

Say A maps from V2 to V3

Then AB maps from V1 to V3

Obviously dim(V2) = #rows(B) = #colums(A)

Programming Matrix Product

Computing dot product for all i and k:

double *a= new double[M*N], *b= new double[N*L],
*c= new double[M*L];
fill(&a[0], &a[M*N], 2.0); fill(&b[0], &b[N*L], 3.0);

fill(&c[0], &c[M*L], 0.0);
for (unsigned i= 0; i < M; ++i)
for (unsigned k= 0; k < L; ++k)
for (unsigned j= 0; j < N; ++j)
c[i*L+k]+= a[i*N+j] * b[j*L+k];

Does the result change if we change the loops?

Changing Loop Order

No, any order yields correct results, e.g. k, j, i

fill(&c[0], &c[M*L], 0.0);
for (unsigned k= 0; k < L; ++k)
for (unsigned j= 0; j < N; ++j)
for (unsigned i= 0; i < M; ++i)
c[i*L+k]+= a[i*N+j] * b[j*L+k];

One column of C is incremented by a column of A times scaled
by an element of B
This is called daxpy “double a⋅x plus y”
Or saxpy for single precision, or caxpy for complex
Or gaxpy in general (generic?)
Does this change our compute time?

Run Time Analysis

Memory traffic
A: mn loads
B: nl loads
C: ml stores
Multiplications: mnl
Additions: ml(n-1)
For simplicity , we consider m = n= l
2n2 loads
n2 stores
2n3 operations (approximately)
Is this what we really do ?

Run Time Analysis

We can’t store the whole matrix in processor
May be in cache?
We have to reload values
Even the values of C
Unless we compute cik in the innermost loop
In reality we have
3n3 loads (instead of 2n2)
n3 stores (instead of n2)
2n3 operations
How many of them are from or to the memory?
And how many from or to the cache?
This depends on loop order

n2 Vector Operations
Variant Operation
i, j, k Gaxpy of row vectors
i, k, j Dot product
j, i, k Gaxpy of row vectors
j, k, i Gaxpy
k, i, j Dot product
k, j, i Gaxpy

All 6 variants are composed of vector operations

Results for 500 by 500

> matrix_product 500
i, j, k = 2.78s, 89.9281 MFLOPS
i, k, j = 6.21s, 40.2576 MFLOPS
j, i, k = 3.18s, 78.6164 MFLOPS
j, k, i = 9.91s, 25.227 MFLOPS
k, i, j = 5.63s, 44.405 MFLOPS
k, j, i = 9.48s, 26.3713 MFLOPS
Agaio a PowerBook G4 1.33GHz

Results for 512 by 512

> matrix_product 512
i, j, k = 2.87s, 93.5315 MFLOPS
i, k, j = 21.81s, 12.3079 MFLOPS
j, i, k = 3.46s, 77.5825 MFLOPS
j, k, i = 42.09s, 6.37765 MFLOPS
k, i, j = 22.51s, 11.9252 MFLOPS
k, j, i = 42.95s, 6.24995 MFLOPS

Why is this so slow?
Will explain this on the black board

Results for 544 by 544

> matrix_product 544
i, j, k = 3.57s, 90.19 MFLOPS
i, k, j = 8.4s, 38.3308 MFLOPS
j, i, k = 4.04s, 79.6976 MFLOPS
j, k, i = 13.61s, 23.6575 MFLOPS
k, i, j = 7.35s, 43.8066 MFLOPS
k, j, i = 13.2s, 24.3923 MFLOPS

This behaves like the first one (500×500)

544 by 544 with Single Precision

matrix_product 544
i, j, k = 2.17s, 148.377 MFLOPS
i, k, j = 4.28s, 75.2286 MFLOPS
j, i, k = 2.08s, 154.797 MFLOPS
j, k, i = 6.51s, 49.459 MFLOPS
k, i, j = 4.33s, 74.3599 MFLOPS
k, j, i = 6.36s, 50.6255 MFLOPS

Twice as fast
Because it takes half the time to compute or to load and

Row-Major Memory Layout

Loop order (i, j, k) has unit-stride access but …

Matrix Reload

Assume one matrix is larger than the cache
With loop order (i, j, k)
Matrix B is complete traversed in the 2 inner loops
In next iteration of outer loop B is reloaded into
Same with loop order (i, k, j)
With j as outer loop index we read C
completely from main memory
With k as outer loop index matrix A has to be

Blocked Matrix Multiplication

Assume we can
partition A, B and C
into blocks of size L×L
Then we can express
the multiplication in
terms of vector
products of blocks

What Do We Win?

If block size is small enough, we can keep a block of
each matrix in cache
Computation within the block loads from and stores
to cache
After the first access to each element at least
Within the block we have
3L2 loads from memory (at most)
3L3 loads from cache, which are fast
L2 stores into memory
L3 stores into cache, also fast
2L3 operations
If L is large enough memory traffic is negligible!
If L is too large blocks do not fit into cache :-(

Program Blocked Matrix Product

fill(&c[0], &c[NS], 0.0);
for (int ii= 0; ii < blocks; ++ii)
for (int jj= 0; jj < blocks; ++jj)
for (int kk= 0; kk < blocks; ++kk)
for (int i= ii*B, i_end= (ii+1)*B; i < i_end; ++i)
for (int j= jj*B, j_end= (jj+1)*B; j < j_end; ++j)
for (int k= kk*B, k_end= (kk+1)*B; k < k_end; ++k)
c[i*N+k]+= a[i*N+j] * b[j*N+k];

What other improvements can we make?

Blocking of 544 by 544 Matrices

> blocked_matrix_product 544 32
i, j, k = 1.27s, 253.526 MFLOPS
i, k, j = 1.75s, 183.988 MFLOPS
j, i, k = 0.94s, 342.53 MFLOPS
j, k, i = 1.11s, 290.071 MFLOPS
k, i, j = 1.77s, 181.909 MFLOPS
k, j, i = 1.26s, 255.538 MFLOPS

Is there more we can improve?

Unrolling Inner Loop

for (unsigned ii= 0; ii < blocks; ++ii)
for (unsigned jj= 0; jj < blocks; ++jj)
for (unsigned kk= 0; kk < blocks; ++kk)
for (unsigned i= ii*B, i_end= (ii+1)*B; i < i_end; ++i)
for (unsigned j= jj*B, j_end= (jj+1)*B; j < j_end; ++j)
for (unsigned k= kk*B, k_end= (kk+1)*B; k < k_end; k= k+4) {
unsigned index_a= i*N+j, index_b= j*N+k, index_c= i*N+k;
c[index_c]+= a[index_a] * b[index_b];
c[index_c+1]+= a[index_a] * b[index_b+1];
c[index_c+2]+= a[index_a] * b[index_b+2];
c[index_c+3]+= a[index_a] * b[index_b+3];

Unrolling Dot Product

for (unsigned ii= 0; ii < blocks; ++ii)
for (unsigned kk= 0; kk < blocks; ++kk)
for (unsigned jj= 0; jj < blocks; ++jj)
for (unsigned i= ii*B, i_end= (ii+1)*B; i < i_end; ++i)
for (unsigned k= kk*B, k_end= (kk+1)*B; k < k_end; ++k) {
real_type tmp0= 0.0, tmp1= 0.0, tmp2= 0.0, tmp3= 0.0;
for (unsigned j= jj*B, j_end= (jj+1)*B; j < j_end; j= j+4) {
unsigned index_a= i*N+j, index_b= j*N+k;
tmp0+= a[index_a] * b[index_b];
tmp1+= a[index_a+1] * b[index_b+N];
tmp2+= a[index_a+2] * b[index_b+2*N];
tmp3+= a[index_a+3] * b[index_b+3*N]; }
c[i*N+k]+= tmp0 + tmp1 + tmp2 + tmp3; }

Results of Optimization

Unrolling of scaled vector addition already done by
the compiler, no speedup here
Constant index computation didn’t pay off either
Unrolling dot product accelerated
About 630 MFLOPS = ~ 1 double op. per 2 cycles
With single precision 650 MFLOPS
We can compute double precision and single precision at
almost the same speed
Given they are already in cache
If you want get faster use optimized libraries

More Variants

What if we consider 2 levels of cache?
We need 9 loops
With 3 levels of cache we need 12 loops, …

Dual concept: the nesting is not part of the algorithm
but of the data structure / memory layout
Morton-ordered matrices
Prof. Wise will give a lecture about it

Mostly done by compiler

Superscalar dot products
There are very fast libraries for this
Most popular is BLAS
Often optimized by computer vendors

Why is Matrix Product so Important?

Top 500 list of fastest computers is based on  Linpack
Contains linear algebra algorithms
Most of the time is spent in matrix products
If one can speedup up (dense) matrix product by
17% one gets a 17% better rating in Top 500
Interest in fast dense matrix products is more
political then scientific
What is more important?
Compute something people need, see next lectures

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