Sec. 7.6- Polynomials and Factoring
HW #5, 18, 19, 39*, 43*, 45*, 46, [47-99 e.o.o.], 100
* Also use the CFQ and Tic-Tac-Toe Methods on these
1. Wrap up 7.5 from last time.
2. Begin 7.6 Polynomials
3. Get out and vote!
Looking ahead: Next quiz will be Tuesday 11/11.
Last time: Why do the " rules " work?
Scientific Notation:
A number is written in scientific notation if it is expressed in the
following form, where 1 ≤ |a| < 10 and n is an integer:
1. Write these in scientific notation:
More Practice:
On average, approximately how much does each man, woman,
child owe towards the national debt? (Use scientific notation to
answer this question.)
7.6- Polynomials and Factoring
What is a polynomial ?
Factoring Polynomials :
Greatest Common Factor :
Questions to Consider:
1. Does x^2 + 7x – 12 factor ? Why or why not?
2. Given x^2 + bx – 12, what can we replace b by so the
trinomial factors with integer coefficients?