A. Objectives:
Students will identify factors and multiples of numbers .
Students will complete a concept map about the term “factor.
Students will complete a foldable on the definitions of the word “factor” and
Students will complete a Venn Diagram to aid to find the common denominator
for two different fractions .
B. State Competencies:
Standard 2: Number Sense
1. Fractions , Decimals , and Percents
b. Compare , convert , and order common fractions.
C. Lesson Resources:
Teaching Reading in Mathematics 2ndEdition by Mary Lee Barton
Teaching with Foldables by Dinah Zike
Graphic Organizers by Keren Bromley, Linda Irwin-De Vitis, and Marcia Modlo
Construction Paper for Foldables
Graphic Organizer (printed for each student.
D. Instruction:
a. Introduction:
For the introduction of this lesson, the students will be introduced or
about the concepts and/or definitions of factors and multiples.
We will discuss
the differences . The students will be told that the will be
completing some
activities to help them remember these terms and
concepts .
b. Instructional Process:
1.) Activity One: This activity is what Mary Lee Barton calls M-3 Frayer
(page 68-71 in Teaching Reading in Mathematics 2nd Edition).
We will be using
this graphic organizer for the term “factor”.
a. I will right the word/book definition of this word on the board
so the
students can copy this part on their section titled
b. The class will discuss together some facts or characteristics
about factors
that all the students can complete in the area
titled: “Facts/Characteristics.
c. As a class we will also come up with some things to include in
the part
titled “Examples” as well as for the part titled
“Nonexamples”. (The Concept Map
of this for factoring is on
page 70 of the book mentioned above.)
2.) Activity 2:
a. Students will create a foldable about the definitions of factor
and multiple.
b. They will use the “Shutter Fold” on page 81 of Dinah’s book.
c. The foldable papers will already be done for them.
d. We will complete each section of the foldable in class with a step by
3.)Activity 3:
a. Students will complete a Venn Diagram for each problem in
which they will
need to find the Greatest Common Factor in
conjunction with reducing fractions .
b. The class will do one as an example and then the students will
complete these
on their own with other similar problems.
c. Closure:
The closure to the lesson will be done with a review of the term meaning of
factors as well as multiples.
E. Assessment: Students will be assessed informally when the teacher monitors
progress of completion of various tasks. Students will be assessed for
completion of
the graphic organizer, the concept map, and the foldable.
F. Modifications/Accomodations
Low Level : Simple Step by Step Directions will be the best for these
The foldables will be pre -folded assuring less frustration
G. Reflection:
This lesson went very well. It took two class days to accomplish. I believe the
organizers became a great resource to the students that the used in the
future. I say this
because I would see them get these graphic organizers out
when they saw problems in
which those organizers would refresh the meanings of
the vocabulary and concepts. I
will be using more graphic organizers as well as
concept maps. Few accommodations
were needed in this lesson for my low level
students because I went step-by-step on