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Syllabus for Intermediate Algebra

This section will be using MyMathLab, an interactive computer program on which you will do your
homework. If you do not have access to the internet, you will want to talk to me as soon as
possible, and you may wish to change to another section.

Course: MTH 131 - Intermediate Algebra

Course Description: Students study literal expressions, real and complex numbers, rational
exponents and laws of exponents ; first and second degree equations and inequalities; linear and
non-linear systems of equations ; functions including linear, quadratic, exponential and logarithmic;
coordinate graphing; and problem- solving using mathematical modeling.

Attendance: Your success in this Math class will depend on your consistent attendance in all class
sessions. Students who attend on a regular basis will gain the full benefit of the class and will
generally do much better than those that miss class sessions. I will reserve the right to withdraw you
from this class if your attendance becomes excessive enough that I believe that you can not keep up
with the required material. However, do not rely on me to drop you. This is your responsibility.

College Closing: Usually the College does not close due to inclement weather. Any cancellation of
classes will be announced on the local radio stations. In the event that a test would fall on a day
when school is canceled, the test will be given on the next scheduled class meeting.

Grading Policy: The students grade for the term will be determined by their performance on Tests,
Quizzes (announced and unannounced) and homework. The percentage weighting of each is as
shown below.

GRADES: Your final course grade will be determined as follows:

Tests 70%
Quiz & Homework 30%

The final percentage will be converted to a 4.0 scale according to the following table:

Percent Grade Numerical Grade

Tests are to be taken on the day established for the test. In general make-up tests will not be given.
Also note, that no electronic devices will be allowed to be used during the tests except for an
approved calculator .

Homework: The homework assigned that relates to each exam will be found under My Math Lab
(MML). The due dates will be assigned, and late work will not be accepted. The purpose of the
homework is to get you prepared for each unit test, and as such doing it “late” is not in your best


If you must miss a class session during which an exam is scheduled or homework is due, it
will be your responsibility to make timely arrangements to take the exam and submit the
assigned work early. In the event that this is not possible the following provisions apply:
Exams/Quizzes cannot be made up.

EMERGENCY SITUATIONS: If an emergency precludes you from taking an exam as
scheduled you must contact me prior to the test (office phone mail messages are suitable).

Quizzes will not be allowed to be made up. Any quiz that you miss will receive a score of zero . I
will, however, drop 1 of every 5 quiz scores. As a result of this, if you happen to not be in attendance
during a quiz I will use the “zero” from this missed quiz as the one that I drop for the final grade

FINAL EXAM: Each student will be required to take the Comprehensive Final Exam to be
administered during the last week of classes. The final exam will be discussed prior to the exam and
it will be designed to cover the key material of the course.

Office hours will be posted on my office door during the first week of classes.

Associate Degree Outcomes

The ability to comprehend and use information including written and oral forms (ADO 2)
Computational Skills and understanding appropriate to the program of study (ADO 3)
Critical thinking and problem solving (AD0 4)
Facility in the use of computers and other technologies appropriate to the program of study (ADO 7)
A knowledge of science and technology (ADO 11)

Suggestions: Students who do well in college courses will generally do the following things.

* Take notes and study from them.
* Read the text book to ensure you reinforce your understanding of the material.
* Seek help from the instructor, tutors and classmates as soon as you find some
difficulty with the material - waiting can often spell disaster.
* Do all of the required homework, in a timely manner.
* Study the material on a regular basis.
* Participate in class discussions.
* Attend all class sessions.

Mathematics courses demand that you practice your skills thoroughly. Something that appears
simple on the board during a lecture can appear impossible to perform on a test if you’ve never tried
to do it on your own. Do not wait for an exam to practice these skills. You will find that it will take
approximately 2 hours of study time for each hour that your math class meets. This is a CRITICAL
ELEMENT to your success that is often discovered too late into the semester. Do yourself a favor
and make a schedule up for yourself during the first week of classes that takes the above into
account. The time you spend carefully studying the material early on will be of a huge benefit as the
semester progresses. Lecture will be the primary mode of instruction while one on one and group
work will be utilized when appropriate. Students are also encouraged to take advantage of the Math
tutoring available in the Math Lab (located in JM-244 of McDivitt Hall). Additionally instruction via
video tape and Computer Tutorial Programs are available for some courses as well. Making a friend
(or friends) in class and studying together is also strongly encouraged. One of the best ways to learn
is by helping one another. Additionally, The Center for Student Success (Bert Walker Hall – BW-
123) has student tutors that are available for help you with your math questions. All the tutoring
services above are FREE to you as a student at JCC.

Schedule: The attached schedule is to be considered tentative. I will reserve the right to revise any
part of this syllabus as I deem necessary throughout the semester.

I wish you all the best!

Day Sections Topic
1 1.1
Using Qualitative Graphs to Describe Situations
Graphing Linear Equations
Slope of a Line
2 1.3
Slope of a Line
Meaning of Slope for Equations, Graphs, and Tables
Finding Linear Equations
3 1.6
Using Lines to Model Data
Finding Equations for Linear Models
4 2.2
Finding Equations for Linear Models
Function Notation and Making Predictions
Slope is a Rate of Change
5 3.1
Using Graphs and Tables to Solve Systems
Using Elimination and Substitution to Solve Systems
Using Systems to Model Data
6 3.3
Using Systems to Model Data
Value, Interest, and Mixture Problems
7 3.5
Using Linear Inequalities in One Variable to Make Predictions
Review for Exam 1

CBR Activity
Exam 1
9 4.1
Properties of Exponents
Rational Exponents
10 4.3
Graphing Exponential Functions
Finding Equations for Exponential Models
11 4.5
Using Exponential Functions to Model Data
Inverse Functions
12 5.1
Inverse Functions
Logarithmic Functions
13 5.2
Logarithmic Functions
Properties of Logarithms
14 5.4
Using the Power Property with Exponential Models to Make Predictions
More Properties of Logarithms
15 5.6
Natural Logarithms
Adding and Subtracting Polynomial Expressions and Functions

Review for Exam 2
Exam 2
17 6.2
Multiplying Polynomial Expressions and Functions
Factoring Trinomials of the Form
x2 + bx + c ; Factoring out the GCF
18 6.4
Factoring Polynomials
Factoring Special Binomials; A Factoring Strategy
19 6.6
Using Factoring to Solve Polynomial Equations
Graphing Quadratic Functions in Vertex Form
20 7.2
Graphing Quadratic Functions in Standard Form
Solving Quadratic Equations by Extracting Square Roots
21 7.4
Solving Quadratic Equations by Completing the Square
Using the Quadratic Formula to Solve Quadratic Equations
22 7.6

Solving Systems of Linear Equations in Three Variables; Finding Quadratic Functions
Finding Quadratic Models
Pass out ADO Assignment (Applications of Modeling Lab)
23 7.8
Modeling with Quadratic Functions
Finding the Domains of Rational Functions and Simplifying Rational Expressions
Multiplying and Dividing Rational Expressions
24 8.2
Multiplying and Dividing Rational Expressions
Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions
25 8.4
Simplifying Complex Rational Expressions
Solving Rational Equations
26 8.6
Modeling with Rational Functions
Simplifying Radical Expressions

Review for Exam 3
Exam 3
28 9.2
Adding, Subtracting, and Multiplying Radical Expressions
Rationalizing Denominators and Simplifying Quotients of Radical Expressions
29 9.4
Graphing and Combining Square Root Functions
Solving Radical Equations
30 9.6
Modeling Using Square Root Functions
Absolute Value Equations and Inequalities
Review for Exam 4

Exam 4
Review for Final Exam
32 Final Exam
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