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Course Descriptions for Mathematics

Credit cannot be earned in mathematics courses that are prerequisites for courses already

150 Introductory Algebra (4)
A study of the basic concepts of algebra such as first-degree equations, factoring, rational
expressions , graphing, quadratic equations, exponents and radicals . May not be used to satisfy
general curriculum distribution requirements of the Baccalaureate Experience. (*fall and spring

153 College Geometry (2)
A study of geometric problem-solving and formal synthetic Euclidean geometry. Students
study properties of basic geometric figures, learn to verify them using formal proofs, and
use results to solve applied problems. Students also are exposed to the axiomatic method of
synthetic Euclidean geometry, learning how to verify results and then apply them to other
proofs and applied problems. Required for education majors; may be taken as an elective by
other majors. May not be used to satisfy General Curriculum Requirements.

155 Finite Mathematics for Liberal Arts (4)
Prerequisite: MAT 150 or equivalent. Appropriate as a general curriculum distribution
requirement for liberal arts students. Topics include graph theory, planning and scheduling,
data collection, descriptive statistics, social choices and voting, the problem of fair division,
and the study of size and shape. (*fall and spring semesters)

160 College Algebra (4)
Prerequisites: MAT 150 or equivalent . Topics include rational exponents , equations and
inequalities, functions and their operations , polynomials , rational functions, and systems of
equations, inequalities and matrices . (*fall and spring semesters)

170 Precalculus (4)
Prerequisite: MAT 160 or equivalent. Covers exponential and logarithmic functions , applications
to growth and decay problems, trigonometry and analytic geometry with emphasis
on the use of graphing calculators . (*fall and spring semesters)

201 Introduction to Statistics (4)
Prerequisite: MAT 155 or equivalent (or higher). An introduction to descriptive and inferential
statistics, with applications in various disciplines using statistical computer software.
(*fall and spring semesters)

225 Calculus for Business (4)
This course is designed to provide students with the fundamental components of differential
and integral calculus, with a particular emphasis on those aspects of calculus that have
applications to business. The course covers exponential and logarithmic functions, limits,
differentiation and differentiation techniques, applications of the derivative (e.g. marginal
coast, marginal revenue, rate of growth), anti-derivatives, the integral as an area, functions of
several variables , and partial derivatives.

260 Calculus I (4)
Prerequisite: MAT 170 or equivalent. Covers limits, continuity, differentiation and its applications,
integration, and the calculus of logarithmic, exponential, and trigonometric functions
with emphasis on the use of graphing calculators. (*fall and spring semesters)

261 Calculus II (4)
Prerequisite: MAT 260. Covers integration techniques and applications, polar coordinates,
parametric equations and infinite series. (*fall and spring semesters)

262 Calculus III (4)
Prerequisite: MAT 261. Covers partial differentiation, multiple integration and space vectors.
(*fall semester).

299 Introduction to Higher Mathematics (4)
Prerequisite: MAT 261. Covers proof techniques and their applications to various branches
of mathematics, basic set theory, properties of number systems, and basic history of mathematics.
(*spring semester)

300 Differential Equations (4)
Prerequisite: MAT 262. An introductory course in ordinary differential equations with
applications. (*once every two years)

301 Discrete Mathematics (4)
Prerequisite: MAT 261. Covers sets, induction, algorithms, recursion, matrices, relations,
functions, digraphs, partially ordered sets , lattices, Boolean algebra, switching circuits, trees
and combinatorial analysis . (*once every two years)

308 Linear Algebra (4)
Prerequisite: MAT 299. Covers vectors and vector spaces, matrices, and linear transformations
on a vector space. (*once every two years)

310 Probability and Mathematical Statistics (4)
Prerequisite: MAT 261. Covers probability, descriptive statistics and inferential statistics.
(*once every two years)

401 Real Analysis (4)
Prerequisites: MAT 262 and 299. Covers theories of limits, continuity, differentiation and
integration. (*once every two years)

410 Complex Analysis (4)
Prerequisite: MAT 262 and 299. Coverage includes complex numbers, analytic functions,
elementary functions, integrals, series, residues and poles. (*once every two years)

420 Modern Abstract Algebra (4)
Prerequisite: MAT 299. An introduction to the theory of groups, rings and fields. (*once
every two years)

490 Senior Seminar (1)
Prerequisite: senior standing in mathematics or mathematical programming. An in-depth
study of a topic in mathematics or mathematical programming. Requires consultation with a
faculty member, personal research, library research and an oral presentation. (*fall and spring

499 Selected Topics (1-4)
Subject may be chosen from point-set topology, partial differential equations, combinatorics,
graph theory or other topics. (*fall and spring semesters)

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  • graphing curves (lines, parabolas, hyperbolas, circles, ellipses, equation and inequality solutions)
  • graphing general functions
  • operations with functions (composition, inverse, range, domain...)
  • simplifying logarithms
  • basic geometry and trigonometry (similarity, calculating trig functions, right triangle...)
  • arithmetic and other pre-algebra topics (ratios, proportions, measurements...)


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