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Time Lesson/Activity MPS Learning
Suggested State Framework
Assessment Descriptors
District Model
60 mins



15 mins

60 mins





Activity 8.7, Pg. 709, Part 3:
• Folding paper pizzas
• Making a Fraction Book
(experiences should continue throughout the

Comparing Fractions
Activity 9.7, Pg. 774, Part 3:
• Matching fractions

Many Names for Fractional Parts
Activity 9.8, Pg.779, Part 1:
• Naming Fractional parts in several way

Activity 9.8, Pg.780, Part 2:
• Finding Names for fractional parts

Home Link 9.8, Pg. 781

Number Operations
and Relationships

Learning Target #1
Represent numbers,
monetary values, and
fractions (i.e., halves
and fourths) to show
equivalency (e.g.,
5+5=8+2, 10 dimes is
worth $1.00, 4 fourths
is the same as 1 whole)
and to compare them.

Number Operations and

Suggest Descriptors
B.a Concept
Represent halves and
fourths using objects and
pictures to explain the
meaning of fractions as parts
of a whole.

Mathematical Processes
Use reasoning and logic
to: Perceive patterns, Identify
relationships, formulate
questions, pose problems,
make conjectures, justify
strategies and test
reasonableness of results.

Operations and
















15 mins




30 mins


60 mins


60 mins





30 mins




60 mins







Non-Standard Linear Measures
Activity 4.2, Pg. 281, Part 3
• Comparing Objects by length

Plant Project
Pg. 433, ( substitute bean seeds)

Measuring with a Tape Measure
Activity 4.6, Pg. 302, Part 3
• activity 1
• activity 2

Digital Clocks
Activity 6.10, Pg. 587

Review Telling Time
Activity 10.2, Pg. 805, Part 1
Review telling time to five minutes, Pg. 806-807
Review digital notation, Pg. 806-807
Practice with time, Pg. 806-807
Differentiation , Pg. 810, Part 3
• Analog Clock
• Elapsed time

Review: Thermometers and Temperature
Activity 10.6, Pg. 827, Part 3
• comparing temperature scales
• practicing with temperature

Snake Imprints, Navigating through Measurement, Pg.

Project 4: All About Time
Timing in seconds, Pg. 857-858
Timing Activity, Pg. 857-858
Personal Calendars, Pg. 857-858
Extending Suggestions, Pg. 857-858






Learning Target # 6
Describe measurable
attributes and identify,
estimate, and use nonstandard
and standard
units to measure
attributes of objects,
time, and temperature.





















Suggest Descriptors
D.a Measurable attributes
D.a.1 Use everyday language to
describe measurable attributes of
objects (e.g., height, length, distance
around, weight, mass, capacity),
time, and temperature.
D.a.2 Identify appropriate nonstandard
units (e.g., paper clips,
cubes ) and standard units (e.g.,
inches, minutes, hours, days,
months, degrees Fahrenheit) to
quantify measurable attributes.
D.b Direct measurement
D.b.3 Read and interpret measuring
instruments to quantify measurable
attributes of objects using nonstandard
units and standard units to
the nearest whole unit (e.g., nearest
inch or nearest number of paper
D.b.6 Tell time to the nearest hour
or half-hour using analog clocks and
tell time using digital clocks.
D.c Indirect measurements
D.c.7 Estimate length, weight, and
mass of objects using common
referents for non-standard and
standard units.

Mathematical Processes
A.1 Use reasoning and logic to :
Perceive patterns, Identify
relationships, formulate questions ,
pose problems, make conjectures,
justify strategies and test
reasonableness of results.

“Match the

“Telling Time”

“How Would You




60 mins


30 mins


60 mins




30 mins




30 mins


60 mins




Investigating Equally Likely Outcomes
Activity 1.8, Pg.47-51, Dice roll and tally

Complements of Ten
Activity 2.3, Pg. 108
• Making sums of 10
• Record possible combinations using the
“two-fisted penny addition

Data Day
Activity 3.13, Pg. 247-250
• Making a line plot
• Home Link
• Enrichment

Exploring Data
Activity 4.7, Pg. 307,
• Part 1: Exploration A
• “Making a Bar Graph and Finding a
” Height pg. 310
Spin It, Navigations, Pg. 67
Possible or Impossible, Navigations, Pg. 65

Dice Sums
Activity 5.9, Pg. 398

Data Landmarks
Activity 6.12, Pg. 602
• Determine lowest and highest values of
heights from 4.7 above and dice throws
from 5.9 above.
Pg. 603 Enrichment:
• Make predictions and then collect and
analyze data for student questions.

Statistics and

Learning Target # 7
Pose questions for
collecting numerical
and categorical data,
display and draw
conclusions to answer
questions, and identify
the likelihood of













Statistics and Probability

Suggest Descriptors
E.a Probability
Determine the
likelihood (e.g., very likely,
somewhat likely, not very
likely, certain, impossible) of
real -world events (e.g., it is
very likely that people in our
class will pick chocolate ice
cream to each at the party).
Mathematical Processes
A.1 Use reasoning and logic to:
Perceive patterns, Identify
relationships, formulate
questions, pose problems, make
conjectures, justify strategies and
test reasonableness of results.









Statistics and

Two of
































Statistics and Probability
30 mins




60 mins



30 mins



Data Day
Activity 10.1, Pg.801
• Use data from 4.7 and find “typical”
height of children in class (mode)
Activity 10.1, Pg. 802,
• Find the middle value of the height data

Project 7
Weather and Probability

Pg. 868-870
• Discussing weather forecasts
• Predicting weather events
• Making a class weather book

Extending the Project, Pg. 868-870
Extension suggestions, Pg. 868-870
Home Link, Pg. 868-870

Statistics and

Learning Target # 7
Pose questions for
collecting numerical
and categorical data,
display and draw
conclusions to answer
questions, and identify
the likelihood of



Statistics and Probability

Suggest Descriptors
E.a Probability
Determine the
likelihood (e.g., very likely,
somewhat likely, not very
likely, certain, impossible) of
real-world events (e.g., it is
very likely that people in our
class will pick chocolate ice
cream to each at the party).
Mathematical Processes
A.1 Use reasoning and logic to:
Perceive patterns, Identify
relationships, formulate
questions, pose problems, make
conjectures, justify strategies and
test reasonableness of results.

Statistics and

“Two of












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